Selecting the right evergreen climbers for your terrace involves considering climate, sun exposure, and the desired function of your "green wall"—whether for privacy, wind protection, or decoration. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you choose the best evergreen climbers for your terrace.


1. Creating a Dense 'Green Wall': For a thick, protective green wall to shield from wind or prying eyes, choose varieties with compact and fast growth:

  • Ivy (Hedera): The quintessential evergreen climber, ivy has aerial roots that adhere to walls, requiring no additional support. Varieties with variegated leaves add decorative value.
  • American Vine (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) and Canadian Vine (Parthenocissus tricuspidata): These vines grow rapidly and offer stunning red foliage in autumn.

2. Decorative Covering with Flowers :For concealing walls or columns with flowering plants, consider:

  • Bignonia: Known for its trumpet-shaped flowers.
  • Honeysuckle (Lonicera): Fragrant and attractive.
  • Jasmine (Jasminum): Provides lovely, fragrant blooms.
  • Passion Flower (Passiflora): Known for its unique geometric flowers.
  • Plumbago (Plumbago auriculata): Offers beautiful blue blooms.
  • Rhyncospermum (Rhyncospermum jasminoides): Also known as false jasmine, it's hardy and blooms abundantly.

3. Covering Horizontal Surfaces: For pergolas or arbors, consider:

  • Wisteria: Known for its cascading flowers.
  • Ornamental Kiwi (Actinidia kolomikta): Offers attractive foliage.
  • Ornamental or Fruit Vines: Provide both beauty and utility.
  • Climbing Roses: Combine well with other compact plants for added coverage and beauty.


Climate Considerations
1. For Temperate Climates: Some plants thrive in mild climates but don’t tolerate frost:

Plumbago capensis (Blue Jasmine): Flowers from April to October but needs protection from temperatures below 5°C.
Hypomea: Needs temperatures above 10°C.
Jasmine (Jasminum azoricum or Jasminum grandiflorum), Solanum, Bougainvillea: Prefer mild climates and can be sensitive to cold.

2. For Frost-Tolerant Climates: Even in colder regions, there are hardy options:

Honeysuckle (Lonicera xylosteum): Withstands temperatures down to -40°C.
Kolkwitzia amabilis: Tolerates down to -20°C and offers beautiful pink flowers.
Clematis: Some evergreen varieties can handle -15°C and are suitable for shaded areas.
Passiflora caerulea: Withstands temperatures down to -10°C.
Rhyncospermum jasminoides: Survives temperatures down to -10°C, perfect for natural screens.
Canadian Vine (Parthenocissus quinquefolia): Can tolerate -15°C and provides colourful seasonal foliage.

Sun Exposure
1. For Sunny Locations: Flowering plants generally prefer sunny spots for optimal blooms:

Passion Flower

2. For Shaded Areas: Certain climbers thrive even in full shade:

Ivy (Hedera): Ideal for northern regions.
Climbing Hydrangea (Hydrangea petiolaris)
Ficus repens: Suitable for mild climates but also grows well in shade.

By considering the specific needs of your terrace—climate, sun exposure, and desired outcome—you can choose the perfect evergreen climbers to create a vibrant, year-round green space.